The Shofar: Fear vs Faith
Written by Dango
I believe that Jesus calls all His followers to participate in the establishment of His Kingdom. I also believe that the deeds of one are not more significant than the others. As we read in the Bible: “Our best efforts are like filthy rags in front of the Lord. We do it not out of our own flesh but out of His love for us and what He called us to do.”
At one stage of my life the Lord called me to start smuggling Bibles to the underground church in the Middle East. The first time I went was with a group and we left 10 days after 9/11. Everybody in the congregation, except my pastor tried to convince me not to go as it does not make sense due to the security alert in the whole of the Middle East. America was attacking the Taliban in Afghanistan and the tension in the Middle East was horrific. It was my first time doing this “kind of work” and looking back now, the Lord was preparing me for future plans. I have learned so much on that specific trip as the leader of the group “pushed” me hard to “walk in front” and to do the “most dangerous” tasks. At that stage I could not understood it, as I was the only man in the group that haven’t smuggled Bibles before.
Years later, I started to do this alone over several years and basically worked with a 3-point plan. I would go to certain towns in the country and place the “books” in several different places in a specific town where I was led to. Over the years I made friends and became part of families and I will make sure that they have “books” even if they do not believe in Jesus. Then finally I would take the “books” and deliver it to a certain person that knew my “code name” at a pre-arranged place, date and time; knowing that these “books” will go to the underground church.
The reason for this Shofar is to make you understand that I am a “human being and that I have my own issues” and if it was down to me I would not able to do what He called me to do at all.
This was still early days and I remember sitting on the airplane on my way to the Middle East. Fear started to grip my heart. The fear was growing exponentially as we were getting closer and closer to our destination. I knew the “books” were in my suitcase. First I had to go through passport control, then collect my suitcase and then go through security with the suitcase. Disembarking from the plane, as I was walking towards the passport control area. I started to make plans to get rid of the “books” before I had to go through security. A fear that I could not describe, was eating into my heart and flesh. At one stage my body started to tremble slightly as we moved slowly forward in the line that was controlled by the security people inside the airport. The only thought in my mind was; “Today I will be caught and I will be hanged without any hesitation.” I basically had two options available. Do not collect the suitcase with the “books” and walk out of the airport. My second option was to collect the suitcase, look for a WC (toilet), lock myself in a cubical and start tearing up the “books” till all was gone and then go through security.
I collected the suitcase and at that exact point I said: “Lord Jesus I give up.” I walked toward the security scanners and for some strange reason my heart just became very “still”. A man was standing at the scanner unit and he was bending forward to pick up my suitcase. As he gripped my suitcase, he looked me straight in the eyes and said “you can go no need to scan this suitcase”. I walked out of the airport very dazed and trying to comprehend what just happened.
Hebrew 10: 38 - “But My righteous one shall live by faith and if he draws back, My soul has no delight in him.”
The writer of Hebrews, in the Bible, teaches us that the opposite of ‘FAITH’ is ‘fear’. I have learned a hard lesson that day and since that trip I prepare myself before I go as if I am not coming back alive. This prepared the way to be fearless and walk only in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Through Him alone all “things” are possible.
Fear is born out of our flesh. Satan, is doing a tremendous job by creating fear. Even the slightest bit of fear, in the hearts of believers can lead to them not doing what they are supposed to do or called to do in the Father’s Kingdom.
Shalom and Grace
At one stage of my life the Lord called me to start smuggling Bibles to the underground church in the Middle East. The first time I went was with a group and we left 10 days after 9/11. Everybody in the congregation, except my pastor tried to convince me not to go as it does not make sense due to the security alert in the whole of the Middle East. America was attacking the Taliban in Afghanistan and the tension in the Middle East was horrific. It was my first time doing this “kind of work” and looking back now, the Lord was preparing me for future plans. I have learned so much on that specific trip as the leader of the group “pushed” me hard to “walk in front” and to do the “most dangerous” tasks. At that stage I could not understood it, as I was the only man in the group that haven’t smuggled Bibles before.
Years later, I started to do this alone over several years and basically worked with a 3-point plan. I would go to certain towns in the country and place the “books” in several different places in a specific town where I was led to. Over the years I made friends and became part of families and I will make sure that they have “books” even if they do not believe in Jesus. Then finally I would take the “books” and deliver it to a certain person that knew my “code name” at a pre-arranged place, date and time; knowing that these “books” will go to the underground church.
The reason for this Shofar is to make you understand that I am a “human being and that I have my own issues” and if it was down to me I would not able to do what He called me to do at all.
This was still early days and I remember sitting on the airplane on my way to the Middle East. Fear started to grip my heart. The fear was growing exponentially as we were getting closer and closer to our destination. I knew the “books” were in my suitcase. First I had to go through passport control, then collect my suitcase and then go through security with the suitcase. Disembarking from the plane, as I was walking towards the passport control area. I started to make plans to get rid of the “books” before I had to go through security. A fear that I could not describe, was eating into my heart and flesh. At one stage my body started to tremble slightly as we moved slowly forward in the line that was controlled by the security people inside the airport. The only thought in my mind was; “Today I will be caught and I will be hanged without any hesitation.” I basically had two options available. Do not collect the suitcase with the “books” and walk out of the airport. My second option was to collect the suitcase, look for a WC (toilet), lock myself in a cubical and start tearing up the “books” till all was gone and then go through security.
I collected the suitcase and at that exact point I said: “Lord Jesus I give up.” I walked toward the security scanners and for some strange reason my heart just became very “still”. A man was standing at the scanner unit and he was bending forward to pick up my suitcase. As he gripped my suitcase, he looked me straight in the eyes and said “you can go no need to scan this suitcase”. I walked out of the airport very dazed and trying to comprehend what just happened.
Hebrew 10: 38 - “But My righteous one shall live by faith and if he draws back, My soul has no delight in him.”
The writer of Hebrews, in the Bible, teaches us that the opposite of ‘FAITH’ is ‘fear’. I have learned a hard lesson that day and since that trip I prepare myself before I go as if I am not coming back alive. This prepared the way to be fearless and walk only in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Through Him alone all “things” are possible.
Fear is born out of our flesh. Satan, is doing a tremendous job by creating fear. Even the slightest bit of fear, in the hearts of believers can lead to them not doing what they are supposed to do or called to do in the Father’s Kingdom.
Shalom and Grace

Posted in Shofar