Kids Ministry

We are all about our next generation!

Different kids areas

Three of our kids ministry areas take place from 09:30 - 10:30 on a Sunday Morning. These are our Waumbaland, Upstreet and Transit areas.
Our teenagers (high-schoolers) gather on a Sunday evening from 17:00 - 18:30.

Waumba land

Pre school 

Waumba Land is our weekly environment created especially for your preschool-aged child. We can’t wait to meet them! We know things are busy at this stage of life and your children are learning and growing in amazing ways. We are ready for them!


Grade R - Grade  4

In UpStreet, we believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be really loud, and good leaders always care. The focus is our small group environment. We want kids to see how God’s Word fits in to their lives, to learn how to talk to Him, and to build friendships that will last.


Grade 5-7

 Featuring dynamic teaching, and an intimate small group setting to walk through the unique challenges that arise in the last few years of primary school.
Transit is where students can discover a faith of their own. 

Inside out

Grade 8 - 12

Inside Out is our high school ministry. Our goal is to create environments where students are encouraged to make wise choices, positively influence their friends, and experience personal ministry through serving others.