In consideration of the public health concerns related to COVID-19,
all our services will be online for the next few Sundays.

Transit - 25 October 2020

Grade 6 - 8

Thank you for your participation in the last series that we did - The GOSPEL;  Life in 6 Words.  This coming Sunday we are taking break and then we are meeting face-to-face in our brand new space.  Make sure to use the Quicket link to book your space for Sunday the 1st of November and feel free to invite a friend.

Inside out - 23 october  2020 

Grade 8 - 12

Teenagers need to share experiences, and that is why we are taking this group online.
We meet every Friday at 18:00 via Zoom.

If you want to be part of this experience on  Zoom, please click on the link below.