Is your life just a dream?
While it’s true we don’t have as much control over lives as we think we do, we can often overlook the control we do have.
As a result, we can get stuck and stay in a situation for far too long — forgetting we have more choices than fear and insecurity say we do.
This week, ask yourself one, overarching question: “What am I choosing?”
Am I choosing fear over peace?
Am I choosing security over growth?
Am I choosing what’s familiar over what might be my new future?
Am I choosing to be mistreated or am I choosing boundaries?
Am I choosing my excuses or am I pushing through the barriers?
Am I allowing what others “might think” dictate what I do?
Am I willing to be misunderstood in order to stand for what’s right?
There are times when we have to bravely say, “Enough is enough. I can choose a better path, a better way.”
Sure, even in that choice, there are a multitude of outcomes which are simply out of our control. But even in that, the pathway is one of our choosing.